Hi there 🤝

I am a software engineer. This blog mainly focuses on the topics related to software development.

修复 RevenueCat 国内访问,App Store Connect 审核加速

Fix connection to RevenueCat from China and expedite App Store Connect review

HowTo: make links between Apple notes


Ask ChatGPT/Cursor: Preprocessor Macro Doesn't Work in Swift

Xcode 中如何定义 Swift 适用的预处理宏

解决 Xcode 15.4 在 macOS 14.5 上开发 Adobe Illustrator Plugin 时 Python 命令未找到问题

Solving the Python Command Not Found Issue When Developing Adobe Illustrator Plugin with Xcode 15.4 on macOS 14.5

[Linux] Share environment variables with root user

Keep current user's env variables when running sudo command

How to enable AddressSanitizer(ASan) for C++ Project

The tool to detect runtime memory leak

Install docker in Ubuntu 20 and config network proxy

在Ubuntu 20中安装 Docker、配置网络代理

VSCode: 正则搜索匹配多行多个关键字

Match two words in diff lines in VSCode


Cannot connect to display via DP channel


Load Settings.bundle in diff languages