修复 RevenueCat 国内访问,App Store Connect 审核加速
Fix connection to RevenueCat from China and expedite App Store Connect review
HowTo: make links between Apple notes
Ask ChatGPT/Cursor: Preprocessor Macro Doesn't Work in Swift
Xcode 中如何定义 Swift 适用的预处理宏
解决 Xcode 15.4 在 macOS 14.5 上开发 Adobe Illustrator Plugin 时 Python 命令未找到问题
Solving the Python Command Not Found Issue When Developing Adobe Illustrator Plugin with Xcode 15.4 on macOS 14.5
[Linux] Share environment variables with root user
Keep current user's env variables when running sudo command
How to enable AddressSanitizer(ASan) for C++ Project
The tool to detect runtime memory leak
Install docker in Ubuntu 20 and config network proxy
在Ubuntu 20中安装 Docker、配置网络代理
VSCode: 正则搜索匹配多行多个关键字
Match two words in diff lines in VSCode
Cannot connect to display via DP channel
Load Settings.bundle in diff languages