2024年12月突发,国内无法访问 RevenueCat 导致很多 App 无法进行正常 IAP。

In December 2024, RevenueCat became inaccessible in China, affecting IAP functionality in many apps.


Official emergency fix: https://www.revenuecat.com/docs/getting-started/configuring-sdk#configuration-for-users-in-mainland-china

Configuration for users in Mainland China

你说巧不巧,就在一周前,我的一个 iOS app 刚通过审核发布成功,就正好使用了 RevenueCat。🤣 没办法,现改实现方案移除 RC 肯定不是一时半会能搞定的,再说这个状态还不确定是不是常态。所以紧急按照官方方案提交了修改。(虽然实际上我的 app 也没啥用户,也没有收到任何消息抱怨说无法购买)。

Coincidentally, my iOS app using RevenueCat was just approved a week ago. 🤣 Instead of removing RC, I quickly applied the official fix, though my app has few users and no complaints yet.

修改后测试效果是可以去到产品信息了(我没有 RC 的 paywall,只是定义了产品),然后按照之前学习过的 App Store Connect 加急审核的步骤走了一遍,没想到的是,加急申请之后,仅仅3分钟就审核通过了🫨。这里给水果审核点个赞,然后再分享加速审核流程。

After the fix, product info was accessible again. I requested an expedited review, and surprisingly, it was approved in just 3 minutes! 🫨 Here’s how to request expedited review:

  1. 登录 https://developer.apple.com/ 后,找到页面下方的 Contact Us。

Go to https://developer.apple.com/ and find “Contact Us” at the bottom.

contact us

  1. 选择 App 审核 -> App 审核加快请求

Choose App Review -> Request Expedited Review

App review

  1. 点击 联系 App Review,在 App Information中选择对应的 App 即可。

Click Contact App Review and select your app.

app info