如何选择正确的日志级别(log level)

Log Level Introduction

Use customized class in std::map, std::set

Make self-defined class comparable

[C++11] Scoped Enumeration (enum class)

Strong typed enums in C++11

error: git object file .git/objects/xxx is empty 和 fatal: cannot read existing object info

index-pack failed,unable to unlink null bad address

如何从 App Store Connect 中删除一个未发布版本


如何在 Markdown 中插入图片,并设置大小

Add pictures to Markdown, with hyperlink and size setting

Bad owner or permissions on ssh config/git命令.ssh文件权限错误

ssh Permissions are too open

Swift String Substring

Swift 中对 String 类型的 substring() 方法都被标记为不推荐(deprecated)了,那该如何实现 substring 的功能呢? 根据Xcode的提示可以使用slicing(切片)的方式来实现substring的功能: ...




Design Pattern: Observer Pattern